於回顧期內,本集團錄得淨溢利7.943億港元,主要來自確認「懿薈」及「Belle Vue Residences」預售的溢利、Landmark East的租金收入增加、出售兩幢工業物業的收益,以及投資物業公平價值重估所致。本集團於二零一零年上半年的收入為13.566億港元(二零零九年上半年:4.17億港元)。另派發中期股息每股3.5港仙。
1H 2010 入帳的「懿薈」及新加坡「Belle Vue Residencss」售樓毛利較預期低,兩個項目均尚有40%樓面待售,考慮市況比對預售初期(09年7月及08年末)大幅改善,加上餘貨皆為質素較高的高層單位,預計短期內重新推出,毛利將大幅改善。期內集團購入半山加冕台重建項目,令集團的土地儲備可持續發展至2013年。
永泰的資產淨值折讓(NAV discount)比同行大。其中最適合比較是股本同樣近100億的嘉華(173),兩者的折讓同樣近70%。需注意嘉華近年集中發展內地市場,如今年初調控前,以逾10億購入上海朱家角地皮,及7.7億增持上海嘉華中心權益,目前逾半資產位于內地。考慮無論調控前後,內房股的資產淨值折讓均比本地發展商高(反映政策風險 、資產估值偏差),兩者不適合直接比較,反而永泰平衡業務分佈更相似信置(83),平均分佈於售樓、收租,輔以酒店。我認為永泰的資產淨值折讓應介乎嘉華及信置之間,並相近於二線收租股。以50%資產淨值折讓計,目標價4.13元。
Monday, August 30, 2010
Asia Financial (662)
Asia Financial (662) released its interim results as of June 30, 2010, profit attributable to shareholders recorded 25.049 million yuan, 82.23 percent less year on year comparison to 2009. Earnings per share of 2.5 cents interim, paying a dividend of 1.2 cents. The same period in 2009, the company recorded a net profit of 141 million yuan, an interim rate of 3.5 cents.
Excerpts of company report as follows
" China’s economy grew 11% in the year to mid-2010, while Hong Kong reported an 8% growth rate in the first quarter – a resounding bounce back from the 2.9% decline in 2009. Much of this improvement in the global economy was anticipated in the markets during 2009. After a 27.7% gain in the first half of 2009 (and a 52% rise for the full year), Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index fell by 8% in the first six months of this year. Wholly owned Asia Insurance’s underwriting profit increased 20.0% in first half of 2010, while turnover rose 30.2%. This satisfactory result reflects management’s ongoing efforts to concentrate on more profitable market segments and take advantage of changing opportunities in the market. Asia Insurance has no direct exposure to vulnerable European sovereign debt and related investments
PICC Life Insurance Company Limited (“PICC Life”), in which Asia Financial has a 5% stake, continues to take advantage of its opportunities as a company with a nationwide licence. PICC Life reported RMB27 billion in premium income for the first quarter of 2010, up 138% on the 4th quarter of 2009. All other business performance and risk control indicators showed positive and healthy figures. The insurance liability reserves and solvency ratio were maintained at high levels in line with the fast-growing business volume. (According to China Insurance Regulatory Commission data, as of the end of July only, the Chinese People's Life premium income of 51.4 billion.)
The Group’s interests in real estate are focused on Shanghai and Suzhou and represent 4.8% of our total assets. The main project is a residential and commercial complex in Jiading area in Shanghai, in which we have a 27.5% stake. Phase 1 of the project is enjoying strong sales, with over 95% of units sold. As of mid-2010, only expenses had been booked, but the project will show profit in the second half when properties are delivered to buyers. For phase 2, main construction has been started and pre-sale is expected in October this year."
Investment performance after removing-market valuation:
Profit before tax (HK thousands):
1H 2009 = 77,149
1H 2010 = 86,896
FY 2008 = 34,787
FY 2009 = 148,223
Business improvement can be seen.
PS: according to market valuation of investment gains and losses (HK thousands):
1H 2009 = 84,926 (HSI+27.8%)
1H 2010 = -53,599 (HSI-8.0%)
FY 2008 = -868,351 (SHI-48.0%)
FY 2009 = 222,823 (SHI+52.0%)
(Those interested can see the full income statement, this shows that more fully reflect the Group's other non-market valuation by the investment performance category.)
Looking in the second half, if there are no unpredicted large scale accidents, yearly underwriting profit will reach arecord high, the major direct investment in China people's life will continue to expand (short term is not significantly reflected in the financial statements) and on the other hand,profit of the first phase of Shanghai's Jiading property projects will kick in (the estimated total pre-tax profit of RMB 96 million, after deducting the cost of land value-added taxes, about RMB 50 million).
The current 5.02 yuan per share book value of HK. If this stock was sold out due to the first half market valuation , we should consider to accept our opponents stocks.
1H 2009 = 77,149
1H 2010 = 86,896
FY 2008 = 34,787
FY 2009 = 148,223
1H 2009 = 84,926 (恆指+27.8%)
1H 2010 = -53,599 (恆指-8.0%)
FY 2008 = -868,351 (恆指-48.0%)
FY 2009 = 222,823 (恆指+52.0%)
Excerpts of company report as follows
" China’s economy grew 11% in the year to mid-2010, while Hong Kong reported an 8% growth rate in the first quarter – a resounding bounce back from the 2.9% decline in 2009. Much of this improvement in the global economy was anticipated in the markets during 2009. After a 27.7% gain in the first half of 2009 (and a 52% rise for the full year), Hong Kong’s Hang Seng Index fell by 8% in the first six months of this year. Wholly owned Asia Insurance’s underwriting profit increased 20.0% in first half of 2010, while turnover rose 30.2%. This satisfactory result reflects management’s ongoing efforts to concentrate on more profitable market segments and take advantage of changing opportunities in the market. Asia Insurance has no direct exposure to vulnerable European sovereign debt and related investments
PICC Life Insurance Company Limited (“PICC Life”), in which Asia Financial has a 5% stake, continues to take advantage of its opportunities as a company with a nationwide licence. PICC Life reported RMB27 billion in premium income for the first quarter of 2010, up 138% on the 4th quarter of 2009. All other business performance and risk control indicators showed positive and healthy figures. The insurance liability reserves and solvency ratio were maintained at high levels in line with the fast-growing business volume. (According to China Insurance Regulatory Commission data, as of the end of July only, the Chinese People's Life premium income of 51.4 billion.)
The Group’s interests in real estate are focused on Shanghai and Suzhou and represent 4.8% of our total assets. The main project is a residential and commercial complex in Jiading area in Shanghai, in which we have a 27.5% stake. Phase 1 of the project is enjoying strong sales, with over 95% of units sold. As of mid-2010, only expenses had been booked, but the project will show profit in the second half when properties are delivered to buyers. For phase 2, main construction has been started and pre-sale is expected in October this year."
Investment performance after removing-market valuation:
Profit before tax (HK thousands):
1H 2009 = 77,149
1H 2010 = 86,896
FY 2008 = 34,787
FY 2009 = 148,223
Business improvement can be seen.
PS: according to market valuation of investment gains and losses (HK thousands):
1H 2009 = 84,926 (HSI+27.8%)
1H 2010 = -53,599 (HSI-8.0%)
FY 2008 = -868,351 (SHI-48.0%)
FY 2009 = 222,823 (SHI+52.0%)
(Those interested can see the full income statement, this shows that more fully reflect the Group's other non-market valuation by the investment performance category.)
Looking in the second half, if there are no unpredicted large scale accidents, yearly underwriting profit will reach arecord high, the major direct investment in China people's life will continue to expand (short term is not significantly reflected in the financial statements) and on the other hand,profit of the first phase of Shanghai's Jiading property projects will kick in (the estimated total pre-tax profit of RMB 96 million, after deducting the cost of land value-added taxes, about RMB 50 million).
The current 5.02 yuan per share book value of HK. If this stock was sold out due to the first half market valuation , we should consider to accept our opponents stocks.
1H 2009 = 77,149
1H 2010 = 86,896
FY 2008 = 34,787
FY 2009 = 148,223
1H 2009 = 84,926 (恆指+27.8%)
1H 2010 = -53,599 (恆指-8.0%)
FY 2008 = -868,351 (恆指-48.0%)
FY 2009 = 222,823 (恆指+52.0%)
小弟入行18年, 從未见過這麼大型的環球合唱團可以在一天之內成立(26 Aug
今天是農行的中期業績公告, 跟他們發報告只差一天, 他們提供的是一个12Months
View, 為什麼不多等一天來double confirm他們的view呢? 為什麼那心急?
為什麼合唱團沒有中國, 香港或台灣代表!
為什麼中資承銷商沒有在昨天發報告? 例如CICC (中金), ABCI (農行自己的投
行), 其他的非承銷中資投行也设有加入昨天的合唱, 例如 BOCI, 君安, 申銀
為什麼其他承銷商沒有在昨天發報告? 例如Macquarie,
另一家歐資大行 Credit Suisse為什麼沒有在昨天發報告?
為什麼最大声唱的都同時經營私人銀行業務 (PRIVATE BANKING), 而且都是Market
大行UBS沒有加入這一次的合唱, 以下是他們的報告(published 21JULY) (See attached file: 1288-UBS-20100721.pdf)
短綫買入 (Trading BUY)......目標4.11>>bloomberg consensus target (16%
potential upside)
Welcome to call me to discuss my logic..i can elaborate verbally.
團員包括以下歌唱家 (附上他們的曲譜):
ATTN: Upside 以現價HKD3.53計算
1) 大摩 Morgan Stanley, Target price: HKD4.53 (28% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-MS-20100826.pdf)
2) 高盛 Goldman Sachs, Target Pirce: HKD4.10 (16% upside)
(See attached file: 601288-GS-20100826.pdf)
3) 摩根大通 JP Morgan Target Price: HKD4.60 (30% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-JPM-20100826.pdf)
4) 花旗 Citigroup Target Price: HKD4.20 (19% upside))
(See attached file: 1288-Citi-20100826.pdf)
4) 德意志, Deutsche Bank, Target Price: HKD3.91 (10% upside))
(See attached file: 1288-DEUT-20100825.pdf)
1) 滙豐银行HSBC Target Price: HKD3.70 (5% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-HSBC-20100826.pdf)
2) 皇蘇 RBS Target Price: HKD3.55 (1% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-RBS-20100826.pdf)
1) 野村 Nomura Target Price: HKD4.30 (22% upside)
今天是農行的中期業績公告, 跟他們發報告只差一天, 他們提供的是一个12Months
View, 為什麼不多等一天來double confirm他們的view呢? 為什麼那心急?
為什麼合唱團沒有中國, 香港或台灣代表!
為什麼中資承銷商沒有在昨天發報告? 例如CICC (中金), ABCI (農行自己的投
行), 其他的非承銷中資投行也设有加入昨天的合唱, 例如 BOCI, 君安, 申銀
為什麼其他承銷商沒有在昨天發報告? 例如Macquarie,
另一家歐資大行 Credit Suisse為什麼沒有在昨天發報告?
為什麼最大声唱的都同時經營私人銀行業務 (PRIVATE BANKING), 而且都是Market
大行UBS沒有加入這一次的合唱, 以下是他們的報告(published 21JULY) (See attached file: 1288-UBS-20100721.pdf)
短綫買入 (Trading BUY)......目標4.11>>bloomberg consensus target (16%
potential upside)
Welcome to call me to discuss my logic..i can elaborate verbally.
團員包括以下歌唱家 (附上他們的曲譜):
ATTN: Upside 以現價HKD3.53計算
1) 大摩 Morgan Stanley, Target price: HKD4.53 (28% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-MS-20100826.pdf)
2) 高盛 Goldman Sachs, Target Pirce: HKD4.10 (16% upside)
(See attached file: 601288-GS-20100826.pdf)
3) 摩根大通 JP Morgan Target Price: HKD4.60 (30% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-JPM-20100826.pdf)
4) 花旗 Citigroup Target Price: HKD4.20 (19% upside))
(See attached file: 1288-Citi-20100826.pdf)
4) 德意志, Deutsche Bank, Target Price: HKD3.91 (10% upside))
(See attached file: 1288-DEUT-20100825.pdf)
1) 滙豐银行HSBC Target Price: HKD3.70 (5% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-HSBC-20100826.pdf)
2) 皇蘇 RBS Target Price: HKD3.55 (1% upside)
(See attached file: 1288-RBS-20100826.pdf)
1) 野村 Nomura Target Price: HKD4.30 (22% upside)
Stochastic is a momentum oscillator

Optimise Your Gains With Right Trading Strategies!
The Stochastic is a momentum oscillator that will help traders to better time the turning point in the stock market through the usage of two important components. They are the overbought/oversold levels and crossover signals.
To detect an imminent up-move for a stock after a significant decline, it is best to see a bullish crossover signal at the oversold level. Oversold level is defined as a region below the 20% level of the Stochastic oscillator and a bullish crossover is detected when the %D (blue line) crosses up above the smoothed %D (red line) from below.
As seen from the chart on the left, Tebrau had a stunning rally of 17% after such signal was detected on 9th July 2010. Interestingly, this bullish signal on the Stochastic was spotted again on 27th August 2010(last Friday)! The next step is to determine a good trade set-up by identifying the entry price, stop-loss level and profit target for Tebrau.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
一)經濟實力 超日趕美
最近瑞信(Credit Suisse)聘請獨立研究機構調查所得,指出中國的非統計(灰色)收入,很可能較官方統計的國民收入高出90%,而且灰色收入比率,較三年前的78%有所增加。若其研究屬實,中國的實體經濟實力,老早已經超越日本,而且中國目前的經濟實力與美國的實際差距,可能遠比官方數字公布的為小。
三)貧富不均 城鄉差異
四)新消費群 消費力強
五)頭尾強 中間弱
一)經濟實力 超日趕美
最近瑞信(Credit Suisse)聘請獨立研究機構調查所得,指出中國的非統計(灰色)收入,很可能較官方統計的國民收入高出90%,而且灰色收入比率,較三年前的78%有所增加。若其研究屬實,中國的實體經濟實力,老早已經超越日本,而且中國目前的經濟實力與美國的實際差距,可能遠比官方數字公布的為小。
三)貧富不均 城鄉差異
四)新消費群 消費力強
五)頭尾強 中間弱
信星鞋業(1170)受惠生產系統及行政系統重組完成,去年毛利增46.7%,純利增97%,達1.05億元,盈利有機會重返03年1.21億水平。除出口鞋履,集團視零售業為未來增長亮點,相關收益由09年0.93%升至去年1.4%。該股由高位1.65元回調17%,在1.34元附近見支持,成交量未見放大,意味強手惜貨,現價大有吸納價值。(132 words)
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
all entertainmen-realted stocks are old thousand stock?
橙天嘉禾( 1132)公佈,執行董事兼營運總監鄒秀芳,因為過往於東大照明( 8229)任職時有關行為,被警方以公司高級職員作出虛假陳述、串謀詐騙及串謀使用虛假文書控罪檢控。
橙天嘉禾今復牌。橙天嘉禾昨收報 0.72元。
橙天嘉禾( 1132)公佈,執行董事兼營運總監鄒秀芳,因為過往於東大照明( 8229)任職時有關行為,被警方以公司高級職員作出虛假陳述、串謀詐騙及串謀使用虛假文書控罪檢控。
橙天嘉禾今復牌。橙天嘉禾昨收報 0.72元。
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
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