踩着舞步去上班from 张化桥的BLOG by 张化桥
-读书笔记(Tap Dancing to Work)
(1) 巴菲特说,他每天踩着舞步去上班,因为他开心。他只跟他喜欢,尊敬,和仰慕的人们打交道。I tap dance to work. I do business with people I like, respect and admire. (He leads an unhurried, unhassled, largely unscheduled life.)
(2)有人说,"我很讨厌我现在的工作。我准备只干十年。然后,我就。。。"。对此,巴菲特说,"这种话就象等到老了再做爱一样奇怪"。That is a little like saving up sex for your old age.
(3) 巴菲特引用某人的话说,投资者的不幸都是由于他们不能安安静静的等待。... All men's misfortunes spring from the single cause that they are unable to stay quietly in one room.
(4)巴菲特认为,企业向投行征求配股和并购的意见,投资者向经纪人征求股票买卖的建议,就象问理发师,"我应该理发了吗?" Do not ask the barber whether you need a haircut.
(6)巴菲特认为,不要见上市公司管理层。见他们有害。你会被他们的忽悠所影响。我怎么发现中国石油这只股票的投资机会的?潜心研读。We read - that's about it.
(7) 巴菲特说,如果企业处境困难,不要指望能干的管理层扭转乾坤。只投资傻瓜也能管理的企业,因为迟早傻瓜会来当政的。We have not learned how to solve difficult problems. What we have learned is to avoid them. I want to be in businesses so good that even a dummy can make money....someday a fool will (come to run the business).
(8) 巴菲特认为,资金最紧张的时候就是投资的最好时候。The best time to buy assets may be when it is hardest to raise money.
(9) 巴菲特认为,买便宜货你好像占了便宜,但是它的问题一个接着一个。如果你需要持有很长时间才能变现,你的持有成本就会要你的命。时间是好公司的朋友,烂公司的敌人。Any initial advantage you secure will be quickly eroded by the low returns that the business earns... Time is the friend of the wonderful business, the enemy of the mediocre.
(10) 巴菲特发现了"机构通病"。(一)企业转向很困难。(二)企业只要账上还有钱,就有人想方设法把它花掉。(三)很多投资项目本来很愚蠢,但是企业内部策划部总能找到采纳的理由。(四)大家都爱学同行。
(11) 巴菲特认为,投资的要诀是,买的东西好,价格合适。何时卖不重要,因为你本来就留足了空间。Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good results.
(12) 怎样发现好企业?巴菲特说,你碰到时就会知道。不要算到小数点后面两位。The truth is, you know them when you see them.
(13)投资者一定要控制风险,不能把种子烧掉了。巴菲特在他的公司的墙上有个帖子:You only need to get rich once. (你只需要发一次财。)
(15)上个世纪,道琼斯指数从66点涨到11497点。100年涨了174倍。但是,平均每年的复合增长率是多少。你猜猜吧。只有5.3%! 现在投资者所期望的年回报率总是太高,结果当然只有失望。
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